Dear Everest TaekwonDo Families,
Hope all is well. We are so excited to share with you, we ready to safely reopen Everest Taekwondo from Monday, June 22, 2020 for Regular classes. Please see the below a few of the daily items that I am highlighting safety procedures to help protect everyone from COVID-19, including attached new class schedule.
- All Students You must wear a Face Mask at all times during your lesson.
- Your temperature will be taken via infrared thermometer before you enter at Everest TaekwonDo. If any person has a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher, they will not be admitted for a minimum of 14 days unless they can provide a negative test of Covid-19 after the date of registering a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher.
- Hand sanitizer will be given to you before and after your lesson. Bathroom facilities are also available for hand washing.
- All Students Wear your Taekwondo Uniform at home before coming to Class.
- All Students bring your own water bottle and do not share it with anyone.
- All Students Go to the bathroom at home before coming to Class. During the class time incase of emergency tell the Masters or Instructors before using these facilities. After usage wash your hand at least 20 second with water and soap and apply hand sanitizer afterward.
- Do not use any training equipment without Masters permission.
- Stay home if you are NOT feeling well or are showing signs of illness.
- All Students & Instructors will maintain at least a 6 foot distance and no physical contact is allowed.
- Parents please go over all the rules with your children thoroughly.
- Parents see the attached class schedule and set the time for drop off and Pick up. Please do not make your children wait for picked up.
- When you arrive early please wait inside the car. Students may come inside no more than 5 minutes before their class starts.
- Parents should stay close to or inside their vehicles, if possible.
- Parents must wear a Face Mask when exiting the vehicle and entering the Dojang.
- Parents must maintain physical distance of at least six feet with other parents, Masters, staff and Students.
- Parents Please wash your children uniform immediately. Do not let them wear same uniform more than once if not washed.
- Keep your children home if they are NOT feeling well or are showing signs of illness.
- Parents Please informs us any respiratory issues or symptoms and if you or anyone in your home has traveled to another country with in past 14 days.
Please see the pre-screening dated Questionnaire below.
Pre-Screening dated Questionnaire for all Students, Parents, Masters & Staffs:
- Have you traveled out of the country in the last 14 days?
If Yes,
– Where? - Have you traveled out of the state in the last 14 days?
If Yes,
– Where? - Have you been in contact with anyone in the last 14 days that has been diagnosed with, tested for or quarantined as a result of COVID-19.?
If Yes,
– Whom?
– When? - Have you had any of the following with in the last 14 days? (Yes) or (No)
– Fever of 100.4 °F or greater? (Yes) or (No)
– Cough? (Yes) or (No)
– Shortness of breath? (Yes) or (No)
– Diarrhea? (Yes) or (No)
– Nausea? (Yes) or (No)
– Fatigue? (Yes) or (No)
– Headache? (Yes) or (No)
– Muscle aches? (Yes) or (No)
– Loss of taste or smell? (Yes) or (No)
– Sore throat? (Yes) or (No)
– Vomiting? (Yes) or (No)
Keeping the Everest Taekwondo clean is always a top priority for us. Throughout the day, every day, our team cleans the facilities, including all “high touch” surfaces (doors, doorknobs, light switches, faucet handles, and exercise equipment) to maintain a clean and safe environment. As a precautionary measure, we have instructed all of our team to heighten the cleaning effort. We have added additional sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer throughout our facilities. We have placed orders for additional tissues, sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer.
In addition, we will closely monitor all communication from the CDC and WHO, as well as local authorities, for safety updates. As we learn more, and if needed, we will adjust our operations accordingly. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for children to enjoy Everest TaekwonDo with friends, in a safe environment.
We appreciate your trust in us, as well as your patience and flexibility as we work through this situation as a strong, unified community.
Thank you so much for your continued support, Hope to see you all at Taekwondo. Stay safe and healthy!
Master Kumar Karki
Head Master, Everest World Class TaekwonDo